The most advanced surgical system of the world at IMED Valencia
IMED Hospitals and its Robotic Surgery Unit has a da Vinci Xi-HD surgical robot to perform complex interventions with the maximum precision.

Find out the robotic system Da Vinci, only in Valencia
The da Vinci XI robot is, among da Vinci systems, the most developed da Vinci platform, as the most advanced system for minimally invasive robotic surgery.
Robotic surgery is the last development of minimally invasive surgery, subsequent to laparoscopy, in which the surgeon doesn’t perform it with his hands, but using a remote robot, sitting on a console settled in the OR. The computerized system turns the hand’s movement in pulses that are channeled to the robotic arms.
Who is robotic surgery indicated for?
da Vinci robotic surgery is applied in different surgical procedures:
John Burns
Patient from England was operated on at IMED Valencia for prostate cancer using robotic surgery with Da Vinci.